Recent participations in international conferences and meetings
First-class and second-class city dwellers? Disparity of urban governance in the context of expropriations in Conakry. Rey, P., Petitpierre, M. 2020. Organized by the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), on « Spatial Challenges for the New World ».
Stakeholders’ engagement in large-scale infrastructure: a way of local governance in territorial planification. Examples in Guinea. Rey, P., Petitpierre, M. 2021. Organized by the Geography of Governance Commission of the International Geographical Union and the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, on « New challenges of local governance in times of uncertainty and complexity ».
The Invisible Black Swan: How COVID-19 changed the World? The situation of Burkina Faso and West Africa. Tallio, V. December 2020. Virtual 2020 Africa Think Tank Summit.
L’intégration sociale dans la planification environementale. Levrel, A., Nicot, M., et Tallio, V. November 2020. International colloquium « Dialogues et savoir-faire : construction des connaissances autour des enjeux et défis écologiques à Madagascar et dans l’Océan Indien », University of Antsiranana, Madagascar.
Presidential elections in times of Covid-19. The case of Uganda. Tallio, V. November 2020. Organized by the African Studies Association. 63rd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association.
Overview in Asia and in Africa. Rey, P. 2019. Organized by the Military Staff specialized for Overseas and Abroad: The Operational Interculturality. Paris, France
Land issues in Africa: a state of the art. Hochet, P. 2019. Organized by the International Francophone Secretary for Environnemental Assessment: Environnemental Assessment and Land Issues. 22e International Colloquium in Environnemental Assessment, Cotonou, Bénin.
Land studies and legal needs: Which practices for a real integration of a project to its territory? Rey, P., Jeanne I. 2019. Organized by the International Francophone Secretary for Environmental Assessment: Environmental Assessment and Land Issues. 22e International Colloquium in Environmental Assessment, Cotonou, Bénin.
Politics of Melkisation and land issues in Morocco. Rey, P., Buchon D. 2019. Organized by the International Francophone Secretary for Environmental Assessment: Environmental Assessment and Land Issues. 22e International Colloquium in Environmental Assessment, Cotonou, Bénin.
Local and Urban Governance: Trends, stakes and innovations in the era of globalization. Rey,P., Petitpierre, M. 2019. Organized by the Commission Geography of Governance of the International Geographical Union and the University of Cape Verde. Praia, Cape Verde
Pregnancies on gold sites in southwestern Burkina Faso: Perceptions, Management and Consequences. Ouedraogo, A. 2019. Organized by the University of Edinburgh’s Centre of African Studies: Africa: Connections and Disruptions. 8th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS2019), Edinburgh, Scotland.
The importance of socioeconomic information management to implement Corporate Territorial Responsibility (CTR) processes. Arratibel, H. 2018. Organised by the Javeriana University: Simposio sobre Sostenibilidad y Empresa. Bogotá, Colombia.
Collective Action and Territorial Management in territories hosting high-impact industrial projects. Calvo, G. 2018. Organized by the Origin for Sustainability Association: Perspectives on Territories in Transition. Forum Origin, Diversity and Territories, Turin, Italy.
Mining development and territory building in West Africa. Rey, P. 2018. Organized by the Savoie Mont-Blanc University, the Lorraine University and the UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) : Socio-environmental trajectories of Mining Territories. Internationale Conference TRAMIN2018, Chambéry, France.
‘Tãngpogse’: women of the hill. Construction of a social status on the South-West gold mining sites (Burkina Faso). Scientific poster. Ouedraogo, A. 2018. Organized by the Savoie Mont-Blanc University, the Lorraine University and the UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) : Socio-environmental trajectories of Mining Territories. Internationale Conference TRAMIN2018, Chambéry, France.
Hybrid natural-cultural Guinean ritual sites and mining company heritagization. Fribault M. 2018. Organized by Zhejiang University and the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS): Heritage Across Borders. 4th Biennial ACHS Conference, Hanghzou, China.
Between pragmatical analogism and technical naturalism: how to paradoxically produce cultural heritage? Imagining an exhibition from a fieldwork experiment in the republic of guinea. Fribault M. et Schoni D. 2018. Organized by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES): World (of) encounters: the past, present and future of Anthropological knowledge. 18th World Congress, Florianopolis, Brazil.
What feelings for ritual officiants in contexts of mining heritagization process? Photography exhibition. Fribault M. 2018. Organized by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES): World (of) encounters: the past, present and future of Anthropological knowledge. 18th World Congress, Florianopolis, Brazil.
Ce que nous apprennent les modalités de gestion des conflits des sociétés littorales de Guinée. Iniquité, consensus et conceptions locales de la justice. Rey, P. 2018. Organized by the UNESCO Culture of Peace Chair and Félix Houphouët Boigny University: Mécanismes endogènes de prévention, gestion et résolution des conflits. Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
De l’empowerment au féminin sur les sites aurifères du Sud-Ouest du Burkina : Les détentrices de hangars du traitement de l’or. Ouedraogo A. 2018. Organized by Aix-Marseille University in parallel with the 5th French REAF (Rencontres des Etudes Africaines en France) : Les Afriques en débats. 4th gathering of the French JCEA (Jeunes Chercheurs en Etudes Africaines), Marseille, France.
L’aménagement du territoire à travers la collaboration public/privé dans le cadre du développement de projets miniers en Afrique de l’Ouest. Rey, P. 2018. Organized by the METIS, UMR CREM, UMR IDEES, and the NIMEC : Les acteurs économiques et la régionalisation. 55th Conference of the Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Caen, France.
Aménagement du territoire en milieu rural: Dépossession foncière ou stratégie en faveur d’une gestion durable des ressources dans la zone pastorale Tapoa-Boopo? (Région de l’Est du Burkina Faso). Kambire Y. 2018. Organized by the « Défis partages du développement : savoir, comprendre, agir »UNESCO Chair and General Lansana Conte de Sonfonio-Conakry University : Problématique foncière et perspective de développement durable : quels défis pour l’Afrique ? International workshop, Conakry, Guinea.
First evidence of Middle Stone Age in Guinea, West Africa. Pollarolo, L. 2016. Organized by the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA): Middle Stone Age/Later Stone Age in subsaharian areas. Toulouse, France.
Le secret comme sécrétion ou le récit paradoxal d’un « patrimoine vivant. Fribault, M., Schoeni, D. 2016. Organized by the UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) and the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) : Le patrimoine, ça change quoi ? Montréal, Canada.
Penser l’aménagement du territoire et le lien urbain-rural dans le cadre du développement de projets miniers en Afrique de l’Ouest. Rey, P. 2016. Organized by Toulouse University and the French “Dynamiques rurales” UMR : La Renaissance rurale d’un siècle à l’autre ? Toulouse, France.
Sustainable cities in mining context in West Africa : how to involve different stakeholders on a common project ? Rey, P., Weber, A. 2016. Organized by Utrecht University and IDS (International Development Studies) : Large-scale land acquisition in the context of urban sprawl and climate change : Linking the Rural and the Urban. Utrecht, Holland.
Ebola en Guinée, l’expérience d’une crise sociale : des régimes de doutes et des réticences à des actions d’autosensibilisation informelle communautaires. Fribault, M. 2015. Organized by the French Institute for Research and Development (IRD) and the Regional Centre for Research and Training on Fann social management (CRCF) : Epidémie d’Ebola en Afrique de l’Ouest, approches ethnosociales comparées. Dakar, Senegal.
Innovations techniques, régulation, conflit. Regards croisés sur l’extraction artisanale au Burkina Faso et en Guinée. Arnaldi, L. 2015. Organized by the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP-Burkina Faso) and Ouagadougou University : Accès aux ressources en Afrique de l’Ouest. Quelles durabilités pour quelles conflictualités ? Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Nouvelles formes de penser et faire de la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises dans le secteur pétrolier. Calvo, G. 2015. Organized by the Association Equatorienne des Industries d’Hydrocarbures : Nouvelles formes de penser et faire de la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises. Quito, Ecuador.
When mining companies take on the Government’s role. Risks and contributions of public-private collaboration in urban and regional management. Rey, P., Weber, A. 2015. Organized by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning at University of Lisbon : Local Government and Urban Governance: Citizen Responsive Innovations in Europe and in Africa. Lisbon, Portugal.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Patrimonialization of Localized Cultural Practices in West Africa. Rey, P., Fribault, M. 2014. Organized by the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (Leiden University): From Corporate Paternalism to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Mining, History and Heritage. Leiden, Holland.
La gestion sociale dans le secteur pétrolier. Calvo, G. 2014. Organized by the Externado University : Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises dans le secteur pétrolier. Bogota, Colombia.
Les contours d’une opération de titularisation foncière promue par l’industrie minière. Emergence d’une question foncière et stratégies locales d’affirmation des droits (Guinée Maritime). Arnaldi, L. 2012. Organized by the ASAI (Association pour les études Africaines en Italie) : Colloque international d’Etudes africaines. Pavia, Italy.