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Constance Perrin-Joly holds a PhD in sociology (University of Paris Descartes, 2009), is an associate professor in sociology (University of Paris 13, IRIS, since 2011), and is an associate researcher at the French Center for Ethiopian Studies (CFEE). Her work intersects with sociology of work and organisations, as well as life course analysis. She is particularly interested in corporate policies with a moral dimension (such as Corporate Social Responsibility) One of her most recent projects focused on the moral commitment of entrepreneurs in Ethiopia, where she resided for 4 years (2017-2021). She is also interested in the effects of industrialisation on the life courses of Ethiopian workers.

In addition to an ethnographic approach, she mobilises a visual approach based on photography. She has produced two exhibitions, and a third group exhibition is touring in France and Africa (see: https://ifra.exposure.co/african-workplaces?source=share-ifra)

She is co-director of Axis 2 of the IRIS laboratory (since 2022): Biographies, trajectories, trajectories, a board member for the RT 25 Travail of the Association Française de Sociologie (since 2014), and of the RC 30 of the International Sociology Association (since 2018), and a member of the Franco-German network (Working Futures) (since 2019).

Latest publications :

Direction et co-direction of books :
COLLECTIF. B., 2020, Parler de soi, Méthodes biographiques en sciences sociales. Paris : Ed° EHESS.
GANEM V., LAFUMA E., PERRIN-JOLY C., 2017, Les nouveaux modes de gestion des ressources humaines : interroger la personnalisation, agir sur le travail ?, Toulouse : Octarès.

Direction of special issues of journals :
PERRIN-JOLY C., 2020, Work in Ethiopia: Rationalization, Dominance and Mobilizations. Le travail en Éthiopie : rationalisation, dominations, mobilisations. Annales d’Éthiopie, n°33. https://cfee.hypotheses.org/4146

Articles in scientific journals – Book chapters :
PERRIN-JOLY C., de VERDALLE L., 2023, “Entrepreneurship: Moral Categorizations Across Three Countries”, HERZOG L., ZIMMERMANN B., Shifting Categories of Work. Unsettling the Ways We Think about Jobs, Labor, and Activities, London, Routledge.
PERRIN-JOLY C. 2022, Exposer les photographies du travail, Interroger leur réception. Revue Française des Méthodes Visuelles n°6, https://rfmv.fr/numeros/6/articles/06-exposer-les-photographies-du-travail-interroger-leur-reception/
PERRIN-JOLY C., 2021, Les entreprises sociales à la recherche de leur légitimité: Frictions autour du projet de développement éthiopien et tentatives d’extraversion. Revue internationale des études du développement, 1(1), 115-144.
PERRIN-JOLY C., 2021, « Perméabilité et frontières de l’entreprise au Sud : Comment les dispositifs à vocation morale en Éthiopie interrogent les frontières de l’entreprise ? », Sociologies Pratiques, hors-série n°1, « La sociologie de l’entreprise à l’épreuve des transformations contemporaines », Presses de Sciences Po, p. 105-116.
PERRIN-JOLY C., 2020, « Faire de la sociologie en/sur l’Éthiopie : institutions, acteur.trices et circulation ». Sociologies Pratiques, vol. 2, n°41, Paris : Presses de Sciences Po.
PERRIN-JOLY C., 2020, « Le secteur floricole éthiopien au prisme de l’emploi féminin : marche-pied, impasse ou planche de salut dans le parcours des travailleuses », Annales d’Éthiopie, N°33/2020, p. 77-99
PERRIN-JOLY C., 2020, Entreprendre une enquête, conduire un business en Éthiopie : quand l’incertitude structure le travail de la chercheure en contexte autoritaire. Recherches qualitatives, 39 (1), 62–83.


Research Officer – PhD Candidate

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Rasmata OUEDRAOGO/SAWADOGO is a Youth and Lifelong Education Counselor by profession. She holds a Master II in Engineering of Training and Employment Systems from the National School of Agricultural Education (ENSFEA) / Toulouse-Auzeville, France, which allowed her to take an interest in the course of trainers from the Grandes Ecoles. She is preparing a Ph.D. in the Gender and Development Laboratory of Letters, Human Sciences and Communication Doctoral School (ED/LESHCO) at Joseph KI-ZERBO University. Her Ph.D. thesis is entitled: “The Influence of the Professionalization of Women in the Sayings of Men on the Deconstruction of gender roles in Ouagadougou.”

Previously, she held the position of Head of the Certification Unit at the Permanent Secretariat of the National Certification Commission (SP / CNC), then that of Head of the Department of Sciences and Techniques of Socio-Educational Activities (STASE) at the Institute of Sports Sciences and Human Development (ISSDH), where she also teaches modules such as community development, engineering of training and management of quality and innovation.

His areas of interest include community development; issues of international cooperation; volunteering, entrepreneurship, employment, education; training, gender and development systems.

She has just been recruited as a Research Fellow at IFSRA to participate in the realization of research entitled: “Being employed in Africa: Work at the heart of moral issues / Monographic study of a Burkinabè company.


Research Officer – PhD Candidate

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Cécile is a research fellow at IFSRA. She is preparing a doctoral research project on climate migration in West Africa. She holds an LLM in public international law, during which she wrote a dissertation on environmental impact studies in the context of hydrocarbon development. She then became involved in the defense of indigenous rights in Canada. During her last functions as a project manager for INSUCO, she became more interested in themes surrounding the protection of refugees.



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Holder of Masters II in International Affairs, International Law and Political Sciences (ILERI, Grenoble II and Paris X), Marco has a professional background that allowed him to evolve in the private sector, the public sector, NGOs and the social and solidarity economy sector. Marco worked in Latin America for 10 years  and more recently in Africa with experiences in various NGOs in the Central African Republic and Burkina Faso in particular. Specialist in risk management, territorial development and economic recovery with missions in more than 20 countries, working in a multicultural context is obvious to him.



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Saïdou is the administrative and financial manager of Insuco in Burkina Faso. He holds two master’s degrees: one in finance, accounting and audit and another in economics, company management and organization from the University of Ouagadougou. He has worked for mining companies as well as audit firms where he was an auditor. He was team leader for statutory audits for mining and mobile phone companies as well as for development projects in Burkina Faso.


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Azara Ouédraogo



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Romain is the Geomatics Specialist and Graphic Designer of Insuco in Burkina Faso. He holds a Master’s Degree in Geography in Globalisation and Development. He has specialised in mapping software, spatial analysis and in Geographic Information System (GIS). Over the past six years, he has managed field studies and brought a cartographic support to several development projects in Africa. He today brings support to Insuco studies on a variety of subjects such as Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), SIG creation, socio-economic survey or the creation of communication materials.